Class BigArrays


public class BigArrays extends Object
A class providing static methods and objects that do useful things with big arrays.

Introducing big arrays

A big array is an array-of-arrays representation of an array. The length of a big array is bounded by SEGMENT_SIZE * Integer.MAX_VALUE = 134217728 * (231 − 1) rather than Integer.MAX_VALUE. The type of a big array is that of an array-of-arrays, so a big array of integers is of type int[][]. Note that SEGMENT_SIZE has been chosen so that a single segment is smaller than 231 bytes independently of the data type. It might be enlarged in the future.

If a is a big array, a[0], a[1], … are called the segments of the big array. All segments, except possibly for the last one, are of length SEGMENT_SIZE. Given an index i into a big array, there is an associated segment and an associated displacement into that segment. Access to single members happens by means of accessors (see, e.g., get(int[][], long) and set(int[][], long, int)), but you can also use the methods segment(long)/displacement(long) to access entries manually.

The intended usage of most of the methods of this class is that they will be imported statically: for example,

 import static it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.BigArrays.copy;
 import static it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.BigArrays.get;
 import static it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.BigArrays.length;
 import static it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.BigArrays.set;

Dynamic binding will take care of selecting the right method depending on the array type.

Scanning big arrays

You can scan a big array using the following idiomatic form:

 for(int s = 0; s < a.length; s++) {
     final int[] t = a[s];
     final int l = t.length;
     for(int d = 0; d < l; d++) {
          do something with t[d]
or using the simpler reversed version:
 for(int s = a.length; s-- != 0;) {
     final int[] t = a[s];
     for(int d = t.length; d-- != 0;) {
         do something with t[d]

Inside the inner loop, the original index in a can be retrieved using index(segment, displacement). You can also use an additional long to keep track of the index.

Note that caching is essential in making these loops essentially as fast as those scanning standard arrays (as iterations of the outer loop happen very rarely). Using loops of this kind is extremely faster than using a standard loop and accessors.

In some situations, you might want to iterate over a part of a big array having an offset and a length. In this case, the idiomatic loops are as follows:

 for(int s = segment(offset); s < segment(offset + length + SEGMENT_MASK); s++) {
     final int[] t = a[s];
     final int l = (int)Math.min(t.length, offset + length - start(s));
     for(int d = (int)Math.max(0, offset - start(s)); d < l; d++) {
         do something with t[d]
or, in a reversed form,
 for(int s = segment(offset + length + SEGMENT_MASK); s-- != segment(offset);) {
     final int[] t = a[s];
     final int b = (int)Math.max(0, offset - start(s));
     for(int d = (int)Math.min(t.length, offset + length - start(s)); d-- != b ;) {
         do something with t[d]

Literal big arrays

A literal big array can be easily created by using the suitable type-specific wrap() method (e.g., wrap(int[])) around a standard Java literal array.

Atomic big arrays

Limited support is available for atomic big arrays of integers and longs, with a similar syntax. Atomic big arrays are arrays of instances of AtomicIntegerArray or AtomicLongArray of length SEGMENT_SIZE (or less, for the last segment, as usual) and their size cannot be changed. Some methods from those classes are available in BigArrays for atomic big arrays (e.g., incrementAndGet(AtomicIntegerArray[], long)).

Big alternatives

If you find the kind of “bare hands” approach to big arrays not enough object-oriented, please use big lists based on big arrays (e.g., IntBigArrayBigList). Big arrays follow the Java tradition of considering arrays as a “legal alien”—something in-between an object and a primitive type. This approach lacks the consistency of a full object-oriented approach, but provides some significant performance gains.

Additional methods

In particular, the ensureCapacity(), grow(), trim() and setLength() methods allow to handle arrays much like array lists.

In addition to commodity methods, this class contains BigSwapper-based implementations of quicksort and of a stable, in-place mergesort. These generic sorting methods can be used to sort any kind of list, but they find their natural usage, for instance, in sorting big arrays in parallel.

See Also:
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    The mask used to compute the displacement associated to an index.
    static final int
    The shift used to compute the segment associated with an index (equivalently, the logarithm of the segment size).
    static final int
    The current size of a segment (227) is the largest size that makes the physical memory allocation for a single segment strictly smaller than 231 bytes.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static void
    add(byte[][] array, long index, byte incr)
    Adds the specified increment the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    add(char[][] array, long index, char incr)
    Adds the specified increment the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    add(double[][] array, long index, double incr)
    Adds the specified increment the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    add(float[][] array, long index, float incr)
    Adds the specified increment the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    add(int[][] array, long index, int incr)
    Adds the specified increment the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    add(long[][] array, long index, long incr)
    Adds the specified increment the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    add(short[][] array, long index, short incr)
    Adds the specified increment the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static int
    addAndGet(AtomicIntegerArray[] array, long index, int value)
    Atomically adds a value to an element of the given big atomic array, returning the new value.
    static long
    addAndGet(AtomicLongArray[] array, long index, long value)
    Atomically adds a value to an element of the given big atomic array, returning the new value.
    static boolean
    compareAndSet(AtomicIntegerArray[] array, long index, int expected, int value)
    Atomically sets an element of the given big atomic array of specified index to specified value, given the current value is equal to a given expected value.
    static boolean
    compareAndSet(AtomicLongArray[] array, long index, long expected, long value)
    Atomically sets an element of the given big atomic array of specified index to specified value, given the current value is equal to a given expected value.
    static boolean[][]
    copy(boolean[][] array)
    Returns a copy of a big array.
    static void
    copy(boolean[][] srcArray, long srcPos, boolean[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
    Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
    static boolean[][]
    copy(boolean[][] array, long offset, long length)
    Returns a copy of a portion of a big array.
    static byte[][]
    copy(byte[][] array)
    Returns a copy of a big array.
    static void
    copy(byte[][] srcArray, long srcPos, byte[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
    Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
    static byte[][]
    copy(byte[][] array, long offset, long length)
    Returns a copy of a portion of a big array.
    static char[][]
    copy(char[][] array)
    Returns a copy of a big array.
    static void
    copy(char[][] srcArray, long srcPos, char[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
    Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
    static char[][]
    copy(char[][] array, long offset, long length)
    Returns a copy of a portion of a big array.
    static double[][]
    copy(double[][] array)
    Returns a copy of a big array.
    static void
    copy(double[][] srcArray, long srcPos, double[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
    Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
    static double[][]
    copy(double[][] array, long offset, long length)
    Returns a copy of a portion of a big array.
    static float[][]
    copy(float[][] array)
    Returns a copy of a big array.
    static void
    copy(float[][] srcArray, long srcPos, float[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
    Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
    static float[][]
    copy(float[][] array, long offset, long length)
    Returns a copy of a portion of a big array.
    static int[][]
    copy(int[][] array)
    Returns a copy of a big array.
    static void
    copy(int[][] srcArray, long srcPos, int[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
    Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
    static int[][]
    copy(int[][] array, long offset, long length)
    Returns a copy of a portion of a big array.
    static long[][]
    copy(long[][] array)
    Returns a copy of a big array.
    static long[][]
    copy(long[][] array, long offset, long length)
    Returns a copy of a portion of a big array.
    static void
    copy(long[][] srcArray, long srcPos, long[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
    Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
    static short[][]
    copy(short[][] array)
    Returns a copy of a big array.
    static short[][]
    copy(short[][] array, long offset, long length)
    Returns a copy of a portion of a big array.
    static void
    copy(short[][] srcArray, long srcPos, short[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
    Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
    static <K> K[][]
    copy(K[][] array)
    Returns a copy of a big array.
    static <K> K[][]
    copy(K[][] array, long offset, long length)
    Returns a copy of a portion of a big array.
    static <K> void
    copy(K[][] srcArray, long srcPos, K[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
    Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
    static void
    copyFromBig(boolean[][] srcArray, long srcPos, boolean[] destArray, int destPos, int length)
    Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
    static void
    copyFromBig(byte[][] srcArray, long srcPos, byte[] destArray, int destPos, int length)
    Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
    static void
    copyFromBig(char[][] srcArray, long srcPos, char[] destArray, int destPos, int length)
    Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
    static void
    copyFromBig(double[][] srcArray, long srcPos, double[] destArray, int destPos, int length)
    Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
    static void
    copyFromBig(float[][] srcArray, long srcPos, float[] destArray, int destPos, int length)
    Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
    static void
    copyFromBig(int[][] srcArray, long srcPos, int[] destArray, int destPos, int length)
    Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
    static void
    copyFromBig(long[][] srcArray, long srcPos, long[] destArray, int destPos, int length)
    Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
    static void
    copyFromBig(short[][] srcArray, long srcPos, short[] destArray, int destPos, int length)
    Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
    static <K> void
    copyFromBig(K[][] srcArray, long srcPos, K[] destArray, int destPos, int length)
    Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
    static void
    copyToBig(boolean[] srcArray, int srcPos, boolean[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
    Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
    static void
    copyToBig(byte[] srcArray, int srcPos, byte[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
    Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
    static void
    copyToBig(char[] srcArray, int srcPos, char[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
    Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
    static void
    copyToBig(double[] srcArray, int srcPos, double[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
    Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
    static void
    copyToBig(float[] srcArray, int srcPos, float[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
    Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
    static void
    copyToBig(int[] srcArray, int srcPos, int[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
    Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
    static void
    copyToBig(long[] srcArray, int srcPos, long[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
    Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
    static void
    copyToBig(short[] srcArray, int srcPos, short[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
    Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
    static <K> void
    copyToBig(K[] srcArray, int srcPos, K[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
    Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
    static void
    decr(byte[][] array, long index)
    Decrements the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    decr(char[][] array, long index)
    Decrements the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    decr(double[][] array, long index)
    Decrements the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    decr(float[][] array, long index)
    Decrements the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    decr(int[][] array, long index)
    Decrements the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    decr(long[][] array, long index)
    Decrements the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    decr(short[][] array, long index)
    Decrements the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static int
    decrementAndGet(AtomicIntegerArray[] array, long index)
    Atomically decrements an element of the given big atomic array, returning the new value.
    static long
    decrementAndGet(AtomicLongArray[] array, long index)
    Atomically decrements an element of the given big atomic array, returning the new value.
    static int
    displacement(long index)
    Computes the displacement associated with a given index.
    static boolean[][]
    ensureCapacity(boolean[][] array, long length)
    Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries.
    static boolean[][]
    ensureCapacity(boolean[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static byte[][]
    ensureCapacity(byte[][] array, long length)
    Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries.
    static byte[][]
    ensureCapacity(byte[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static char[][]
    ensureCapacity(char[][] array, long length)
    Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries.
    static char[][]
    ensureCapacity(char[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static double[][]
    ensureCapacity(double[][] array, long length)
    Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries.
    static double[][]
    ensureCapacity(double[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static float[][]
    ensureCapacity(float[][] array, long length)
    Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries.
    static float[][]
    ensureCapacity(float[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static int[][]
    ensureCapacity(int[][] array, long length)
    Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries.
    static int[][]
    ensureCapacity(int[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static long[][]
    ensureCapacity(long[][] array, long length)
    Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries.
    static long[][]
    ensureCapacity(long[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static short[][]
    ensureCapacity(short[][] array, long length)
    Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries.
    static short[][]
    ensureCapacity(short[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static <K> K[][]
    ensureCapacity(K[][] array, long length)
    Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries.
    static <K> K[][]
    ensureCapacity(K[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static void
    ensureFromTo(boolean[][] a, long from, long to)
    Ensures that a range given by its first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) elements fits a big array.
    static void
    ensureFromTo(byte[][] a, long from, long to)
    Ensures that a range given by its first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) elements fits a big array.
    static void
    ensureFromTo(char[][] a, long from, long to)
    Ensures that a range given by its first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) elements fits a big array.
    static void
    ensureFromTo(double[][] a, long from, long to)
    Ensures that a range given by its first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) elements fits a big array.
    static void
    ensureFromTo(float[][] a, long from, long to)
    Ensures that a range given by its first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) elements fits a big array.
    static void
    ensureFromTo(int[][] a, long from, long to)
    Ensures that a range given by its first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) elements fits a big array.
    static void
    ensureFromTo(long[][] a, long from, long to)
    Ensures that a range given by its first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) elements fits a big array.
    static void
    ensureFromTo(long bigArrayLength, long from, long to)
    Ensures that a range given by its first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) elements fits a big array of given length.
    static void
    ensureFromTo(short[][] a, long from, long to)
    Ensures that a range given by its first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) elements fits a big array.
    static <K> void
    ensureFromTo(K[][] a, long from, long to)
    Ensures that a range given by its first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) elements fits a big array.
    static void
    ensureLength(long bigArrayLength)
    Ensures that a big-array length is legal.
    static void
    ensureOffsetLength(boolean[][] a, long offset, long length)
    Ensures that a range given by an offset and a length fits a big array.
    static void
    ensureOffsetLength(byte[][] a, long offset, long length)
    Ensures that a range given by an offset and a length fits a big array.
    static void
    ensureOffsetLength(char[][] a, long offset, long length)
    Ensures that a range given by an offset and a length fits a big array.
    static void
    ensureOffsetLength(double[][] a, long offset, long length)
    Ensures that a range given by an offset and a length fits a big array.
    static void
    ensureOffsetLength(float[][] a, long offset, long length)
    Ensures that a range given by an offset and a length fits a big array.
    static void
    ensureOffsetLength(int[][] a, long offset, long length)
    Ensures that a range given by an offset and a length fits a big array.
    static void
    ensureOffsetLength(long[][] a, long offset, long length)
    Ensures that a range given by an offset and a length fits a big array.
    static void
    ensureOffsetLength(long bigArrayLength, long offset, long length)
    Ensures that a range given by an offset and a length fits a big array of given length.
    static void
    ensureOffsetLength(short[][] a, long offset, long length)
    Ensures that a range given by an offset and a length fits a big array.
    static <K> void
    ensureOffsetLength(K[][] a, long offset, long length)
    Ensures that a range given by an offset and a length fits a big array.
    static void
    ensureSameLength(boolean[][] a, boolean[][] b)
    Ensures that two big arrays are of the same length.
    static void
    ensureSameLength(byte[][] a, byte[][] b)
    Ensures that two big arrays are of the same length.
    static void
    ensureSameLength(char[][] a, char[][] b)
    Ensures that two big arrays are of the same length.
    static void
    ensureSameLength(double[][] a, double[][] b)
    Ensures that two big arrays are of the same length.
    static void
    ensureSameLength(float[][] a, float[][] b)
    Ensures that two big arrays are of the same length.
    static void
    ensureSameLength(int[][] a, int[][] b)
    Ensures that two big arrays are of the same length.
    static void
    ensureSameLength(long[][] a, long[][] b)
    Ensures that two big arrays are of the same length.
    static void
    ensureSameLength(short[][] a, short[][] b)
    Ensures that two big arrays are of the same length.
    static <K> void
    ensureSameLength(K[][] a, K[][] b)
    Ensures that two big arrays are of the same length.
    static boolean
    equals(boolean[][] a1, boolean[][] a2)
    Returns true if the two big arrays are elementwise equal.
    static boolean
    equals(byte[][] a1, byte[][] a2)
    Returns true if the two big arrays are elementwise equal.
    static boolean
    equals(char[][] a1, char[][] a2)
    Returns true if the two big arrays are elementwise equal.
    static boolean
    equals(double[][] a1, double[][] a2)
    Returns true if the two big arrays are elementwise equal.
    static boolean
    equals(float[][] a1, float[][] a2)
    Returns true if the two big arrays are elementwise equal.
    static boolean
    equals(int[][] a1, int[][] a2)
    Returns true if the two big arrays are elementwise equal.
    static boolean
    equals(long[][] a1, long[][] a2)
    Returns true if the two big arrays are elementwise equal.
    static boolean
    equals(short[][] a1, short[][] a2)
    Returns true if the two big arrays are elementwise equal.
    static <K> boolean
    equals(K[][] a1, K[][] a2)
    Returns true if the two big arrays are elementwise equal.
    static void
    fill(boolean[][] array, boolean value)
    Fills the given big array with the given value.
    static void
    fill(boolean[][] array, long from, long to, boolean value)
    Fills a portion of the given big array with the given value.
    static void
    fill(byte[][] array, byte value)
    Fills the given big array with the given value.
    static void
    fill(byte[][] array, long from, long to, byte value)
    Fills a portion of the given big array with the given value.
    static void
    fill(char[][] array, char value)
    Fills the given big array with the given value.
    static void
    fill(char[][] array, long from, long to, char value)
    Fills a portion of the given big array with the given value.
    static void
    fill(double[][] array, double value)
    Fills the given big array with the given value.
    static void
    fill(double[][] array, long from, long to, double value)
    Fills a portion of the given big array with the given value.
    static void
    fill(float[][] array, float value)
    Fills the given big array with the given value.
    static void
    fill(float[][] array, long from, long to, float value)
    Fills a portion of the given big array with the given value.
    static void
    fill(int[][] array, int value)
    Fills the given big array with the given value.
    static void
    fill(int[][] array, long from, long to, int value)
    Fills a portion of the given big array with the given value.
    static void
    fill(long[][] array, long value)
    Fills the given big array with the given value.
    static void
    fill(long[][] array, long from, long to, long value)
    Fills a portion of the given big array with the given value.
    static void
    fill(short[][] array, long from, long to, short value)
    Fills a portion of the given big array with the given value.
    static void
    fill(short[][] array, short value)
    Fills the given big array with the given value.
    static <K> void
    fill(K[][] array, long from, long to, K value)
    Fills a portion of the given big array with the given value.
    static <K> void
    fill(K[][] array, K value)
    Fills the given big array with the given value.
    static boolean[][]
    forceCapacity(boolean[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Forces a big array to contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static byte[][]
    forceCapacity(byte[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Forces a big array to contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static char[][]
    forceCapacity(char[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Forces a big array to contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static double[][]
    forceCapacity(double[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Forces a big array to contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static float[][]
    forceCapacity(float[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Forces a big array to contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static int[][]
    forceCapacity(int[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Forces a big array to contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static long[][]
    forceCapacity(long[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Forces a big array to contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static short[][]
    forceCapacity(short[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Forces a big array to contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static <K> K[][]
    forceCapacity(K[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Forces a big array to contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static boolean
    get(boolean[][] array, long index)
    Returns the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static byte
    get(byte[][] array, long index)
    Returns the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static char
    get(char[][] array, long index)
    Returns the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static double
    get(double[][] array, long index)
    Returns the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static float
    get(float[][] array, long index)
    Returns the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static int
    get(int[][] array, long index)
    Returns the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static long
    get(long[][] array, long index)
    Returns the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static short
    get(short[][] array, long index)
    Returns the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static int
    get(AtomicIntegerArray[] array, long index)
    Returns the element of the given big atomic array of specified index.
    static long
    get(AtomicLongArray[] array, long index)
    Returns the element of the given big atomic array of specified index.
    static <K> K
    get(K[][] array, long index)
    Returns the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static int
    getAndAdd(AtomicIntegerArray[] array, long index, int value)
    Atomically adds a value to an element of the given big atomic array, returning the old value.
    static long
    getAndAdd(AtomicLongArray[] array, long index, long value)
    Atomically adds a value to an element of the given big atomic array, returning the old value.
    static int
    getAndDecrement(AtomicIntegerArray[] array, long index)
    Atomically decrements an element of the given big atomic array, returning the old value.
    static long
    getAndDecrement(AtomicLongArray[] array, long index)
    Atomically decrements an element of the given big atomic array, returning the old value.
    static int
    getAndIncrement(AtomicIntegerArray[] array, long index)
    Atomically increments an element of the given big atomic array, returning the old value.
    static long
    getAndIncrement(AtomicLongArray[] array, long index)
    Atomically increments an element of the given big atomic array, returning the old value.
    static int
    getAndSet(AtomicIntegerArray[] array, long index, int value)
    Atomically sets an element of the given big atomic array to a specified value, returning the old value.
    static long
    getAndSet(AtomicLongArray[] array, long index, long value)
    Atomically sets an element of the given big atomic array to a specified value, returning the old value.
    static boolean[][]
    grow(boolean[][] array, long length)
    Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length.
    static boolean[][]
    grow(boolean[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static byte[][]
    grow(byte[][] array, long length)
    Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length.
    static byte[][]
    grow(byte[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static char[][]
    grow(char[][] array, long length)
    Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length.
    static char[][]
    grow(char[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static double[][]
    grow(double[][] array, long length)
    Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length.
    static double[][]
    grow(double[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static float[][]
    grow(float[][] array, long length)
    Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length.
    static float[][]
    grow(float[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static int[][]
    grow(int[][] array, long length)
    Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length.
    static int[][]
    grow(int[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static long[][]
    grow(long[][] array, long length)
    Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length.
    static long[][]
    grow(long[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static short[][]
    grow(short[][] array, long length)
    Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length.
    static short[][]
    grow(short[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static <K> K[][]
    grow(K[][] array, long length)
    Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length.
    static <K> K[][]
    grow(K[][] array, long length, long preserve)
    Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length, preserving just a part of the big array.
    static void
    incr(byte[][] array, long index)
    Increments the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    incr(char[][] array, long index)
    Increments the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    incr(double[][] array, long index)
    Increments the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    incr(float[][] array, long index)
    Increments the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    incr(int[][] array, long index)
    Increments the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    incr(long[][] array, long index)
    Increments the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    incr(short[][] array, long index)
    Increments the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static int
    incrementAndGet(AtomicIntegerArray[] array, long index)
    Atomically increments an element of the given big atomic array, returning the new value.
    static long
    incrementAndGet(AtomicLongArray[] array, long index)
    Atomically increments an element of the given big atomic array, returning the new value.
    static long
    index(int segment, int displacement)
    Computes the index associated with given segment and displacement.
    static long
    length(boolean[][] array)
    Returns the length of the given big array.
    static long
    length(byte[][] array)
    Returns the length of the given big array.
    static long
    length(char[][] array)
    Returns the length of the given big array.
    static long
    length(double[][] array)
    Returns the length of the given big array.
    static long
    length(float[][] array)
    Returns the length of the given big array.
    static long
    length(int[][] array)
    Returns the length of the given big array.
    static long
    length(long[][] array)
    Returns the length of the given big array.
    static long
    length(short[][] array)
    Returns the length of the given big array.
    static long
    Returns the length of the given big atomic array.
    static long
    Returns the length of the given big atomic array.
    static <K> long
    length(K[][] array)
    Returns the length of the given big array.
    static void
    main(String[] arg)
    static void
    mergeSort(long from, long to, LongComparator comp, BigSwapper swapper)
    Sorts the specified range of elements using the specified big swapper and according to the order induced by the specified comparator using mergesort.
    static void
    mul(byte[][] array, long index, byte factor)
    Multiplies by the specified factor the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    mul(char[][] array, long index, char factor)
    Multiplies by the specified factor the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    mul(double[][] array, long index, double factor)
    Multiplies by the specified factor the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    mul(float[][] array, long index, float factor)
    Multiplies by the specified factor the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    mul(int[][] array, long index, int factor)
    Multiplies by the specified factor the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    mul(long[][] array, long index, long factor)
    Multiplies by the specified factor the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    mul(short[][] array, long index, short factor)
    Multiplies by the specified factor the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static long
    nearestSegmentStart(long index, long min, long max)
    Computes the nearest segment starting index of a given index.
    static void
    quickSort(long from, long to, LongComparator comp, BigSwapper swapper)
    Sorts the specified range of elements using the specified big swapper and according to the order induced by the specified comparator using quicksort.
    static boolean[][]
    reverse(boolean[][] a)
    Reverses the order of the elements in the specified big array.
    static byte[][]
    reverse(byte[][] a)
    Reverses the order of the elements in the specified big array.
    static char[][]
    reverse(char[][] a)
    Reverses the order of the elements in the specified big array.
    static double[][]
    reverse(double[][] a)
    Reverses the order of the elements in the specified big array.
    static float[][]
    reverse(float[][] a)
    Reverses the order of the elements in the specified big array.
    static int[][]
    reverse(int[][] a)
    Reverses the order of the elements in the specified big array.
    static long[][]
    reverse(long[][] a)
    Reverses the order of the elements in the specified big array.
    static short[][]
    reverse(short[][] a)
    Reverses the order of the elements in the specified big array.
    static <K> K[][]
    reverse(K[][] a)
    Reverses the order of the elements in the specified big array.
    static int
    segment(long index)
    Computes the segment associated with a given index.
    static void
    set(boolean[][] array, long index, boolean value)
    Sets the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    set(byte[][] array, long index, byte value)
    Sets the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    set(char[][] array, long index, char value)
    Sets the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    set(double[][] array, long index, double value)
    Sets the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    set(float[][] array, long index, float value)
    Sets the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    set(int[][] array, long index, int value)
    Sets the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    set(long[][] array, long index, long value)
    Sets the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    set(short[][] array, long index, short value)
    Sets the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static void
    set(AtomicIntegerArray[] array, long index, int value)
    Sets an element of the given big atomic array to a specified value
    static void
    set(AtomicLongArray[] array, long index, long value)
    Sets an element of the given big atomic array to a specified value
    static <K> void
    set(K[][] array, long index, K value)
    Sets the element of the given big array of specified index.
    static boolean[][]
    setLength(boolean[][] array, long length)
    Sets the length of the given big array.
    static byte[][]
    setLength(byte[][] array, long length)
    Sets the length of the given big array.
    static char[][]
    setLength(char[][] array, long length)
    Sets the length of the given big array.
    static double[][]
    setLength(double[][] array, long length)
    Sets the length of the given big array.
    static float[][]
    setLength(float[][] array, long length)
    Sets the length of the given big array.
    static int[][]
    setLength(int[][] array, long length)
    Sets the length of the given big array.
    static long[][]
    setLength(long[][] array, long length)
    Sets the length of the given big array.
    static short[][]
    setLength(short[][] array, long length)
    Sets the length of the given big array.
    static <K> K[][]
    setLength(K[][] array, long length)
    Sets the length of the given big array.
    static boolean[][]
    shuffle(boolean[][] a, long from, long to, Random random)
    Shuffles the specified big array fragment using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
    static boolean[][]
    shuffle(boolean[][] a, Random random)
    Shuffles the specified big array using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
    static byte[][]
    shuffle(byte[][] a, long from, long to, Random random)
    Shuffles the specified big array fragment using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
    static byte[][]
    shuffle(byte[][] a, Random random)
    Shuffles the specified big array using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
    static char[][]
    shuffle(char[][] a, long from, long to, Random random)
    Shuffles the specified big array fragment using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
    static char[][]
    shuffle(char[][] a, Random random)
    Shuffles the specified big array using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
    static double[][]
    shuffle(double[][] a, long from, long to, Random random)
    Shuffles the specified big array fragment using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
    static double[][]
    shuffle(double[][] a, Random random)
    Shuffles the specified big array using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
    static float[][]
    shuffle(float[][] a, long from, long to, Random random)
    Shuffles the specified big array fragment using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
    static float[][]
    shuffle(float[][] a, Random random)
    Shuffles the specified big array using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
    static int[][]
    shuffle(int[][] a, long from, long to, Random random)
    Shuffles the specified big array fragment using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
    static int[][]
    shuffle(int[][] a, Random random)
    Shuffles the specified big array using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
    static long[][]
    shuffle(long[][] a, long from, long to, Random random)
    Shuffles the specified big array fragment using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
    static long[][]
    shuffle(long[][] a, Random random)
    Shuffles the specified big array using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
    static short[][]
    shuffle(short[][] a, long from, long to, Random random)
    Shuffles the specified big array fragment using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
    static short[][]
    shuffle(short[][] a, Random random)
    Shuffles the specified big array using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
    static <K> K[][]
    shuffle(K[][] a, long from, long to, Random random)
    Shuffles the specified big array fragment using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
    static <K> K[][]
    shuffle(K[][] a, Random random)
    Shuffles the specified big array using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
    static long
    start(int segment)
    Computes the starting index of a given segment.
    static void
    swap(boolean[][] array, long first, long second)
    Swaps the element of the given big array of specified indices.
    static void
    swap(byte[][] array, long first, long second)
    Swaps the element of the given big array of specified indices.
    static void
    swap(char[][] array, long first, long second)
    Swaps the element of the given big array of specified indices.
    static void
    swap(double[][] array, long first, long second)
    Swaps the element of the given big array of specified indices.
    static void
    swap(float[][] array, long first, long second)
    Swaps the element of the given big array of specified indices.
    static void
    swap(int[][] array, long first, long second)
    Swaps the element of the given big array of specified indices.
    static void
    swap(long[][] array, long first, long second)
    Swaps the element of the given big array of specified indices.
    static void
    swap(short[][] array, long first, long second)
    Swaps the element of the given big array of specified indices.
    static <K> void
    swap(K[][] array, long first, long second)
    Swaps the element of the given big array of specified indices.
    static String
    toString(boolean[][] a)
    static String
    toString(byte[][] a)
    static String
    toString(char[][] a)
    static String
    toString(double[][] a)
    static String
    toString(float[][] a)
    static String
    toString(int[][] a)
    static String
    toString(long[][] a)
    static String
    toString(short[][] a)
    static <K> String
    toString(K[][] a)
    static boolean[][]
    trim(boolean[][] array, long length)
    Trims the given big array to the given length.
    static byte[][]
    trim(byte[][] array, long length)
    Trims the given big array to the given length.
    static char[][]
    trim(char[][] array, long length)
    Trims the given big array to the given length.
    static double[][]
    trim(double[][] array, long length)
    Trims the given big array to the given length.
    static float[][]
    trim(float[][] array, long length)
    Trims the given big array to the given length.
    static int[][]
    trim(int[][] array, long length)
    Trims the given big array to the given length.
    static long[][]
    trim(long[][] array, long length)
    Trims the given big array to the given length.
    static short[][]
    trim(short[][] array, long length)
    Trims the given big array to the given length.
    static <K> K[][]
    trim(K[][] array, long length)
    Trims the given big array to the given length.
    static boolean[][]
    wrap(boolean[] array)
    Turns a standard array into a big array.
    static byte[][]
    wrap(byte[] array)
    Turns a standard array into a big array.
    static char[][]
    wrap(char[] array)
    Turns a standard array into a big array.
    static double[][]
    wrap(double[] array)
    Turns a standard array into a big array.
    static float[][]
    wrap(float[] array)
    Turns a standard array into a big array.
    static int[][]
    wrap(int[] array)
    Turns a standard array into a big array.
    static long[][]
    wrap(long[] array)
    Turns a standard array into a big array.
    static short[][]
    wrap(short[] array)
    Turns a standard array into a big array.
    static <K> K[][]
    wrap(K[] array)
    Turns a standard array into a big array.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static final int SEGMENT_SHIFT
      The shift used to compute the segment associated with an index (equivalently, the logarithm of the segment size).
      See Also:

      public static final int SEGMENT_SIZE
      The current size of a segment (227) is the largest size that makes the physical memory allocation for a single segment strictly smaller than 231 bytes.
      See Also:

      public static final int SEGMENT_MASK
      The mask used to compute the displacement associated to an index.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • segment

      public static int segment(long index)
      Computes the segment associated with a given index.
      index - an index into a big array.
      the associated segment.
    • displacement

      public static int displacement(long index)
      Computes the displacement associated with a given index.
      index - an index into a big array.
      the associated displacement (in the associated segment).
    • start

      public static long start(int segment)
      Computes the starting index of a given segment.
      segment - the segment of a big array.
      the starting index of the segment.
    • nearestSegmentStart

      public static long nearestSegmentStart(long index, long min, long max)
      Computes the nearest segment starting index of a given index.

      This will either be start(segment(index) or start(segment(index) + 1), whichever is closer, given the bounds can be respected. If neither segment start is within the bounds, then the index is returned unmodified.

      This method can be useful for operations that seek to align on the outer array's boundaries when possible.

      index - an index into a big array.
      min - the minimum (inclusive) valid index of the big array in question
      max - the maximum (exclusive) valid index of the big array in question
      the closest segment starting index to index
      Implementation Specification:
      The current implementation is branch heavy and is thus not suitable for use in inner loops. However, it should be fine for the recursive step, where split points are computed.
    • index

      public static long index(int segment, int displacement)
      Computes the index associated with given segment and displacement.
      segment - the segment of a big array.
      displacement - the displacement into the segment.
      the associated index: that is, segment(index(segment, displacement)) == segment and displacement(index(segment, displacement)) == displacement.
    • ensureFromTo

      public static void ensureFromTo(long bigArrayLength, long from, long to)
      Ensures that a range given by its first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) elements fits a big array of given length.

      This method may be used whenever a big array range check is needed.

      bigArrayLength - a big-array length (must be nonnegative).
      from - a start index (inclusive).
      to - an end index (inclusive).
      IllegalArgumentException - if from is greater than to.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if from or to are greater than bigArrayLength or negative.
      Implementation Notes:
      An assert checks whether bigArrayLength is nonnegative.
    • ensureOffsetLength

      public static void ensureOffsetLength(long bigArrayLength, long offset, long length)
      Ensures that a range given by an offset and a length fits a big array of given length.

      This method may be used whenever a big array range check is needed.

      bigArrayLength - a big-array length (must be nonnegative).
      offset - a start index for the fragment
      length - a length (the number of elements in the fragment).
      IllegalArgumentException - if length is negative.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset is negative or offset + length is greater than bigArrayLength.
      Implementation Notes:
      An assert checks whether bigArrayLength is nonnegative.
    • ensureLength

      public static void ensureLength(long bigArrayLength)
      Ensures that a big-array length is legal.
      bigArrayLength - a big-array length.
      IllegalArgumentException - if length is negative, or larger than or equal to SEGMENT_SIZE * Integer.MAX_VALUE.
    • mergeSort

      public static void mergeSort(long from, long to, LongComparator comp, BigSwapper swapper)
      Sorts the specified range of elements using the specified big swapper and according to the order induced by the specified comparator using mergesort.

      This sort is guaranteed to be stable: equal elements will not be reordered as a result of the sort. The sorting algorithm is an in-place mergesort that is significantly slower than a standard mergesort, as its running time is O(n (log n)2), but it does not allocate additional memory; as a result, it can be used as a generic sorting algorithm.

      from - the index of the first element (inclusive) to be sorted.
      to - the index of the last element (exclusive) to be sorted.
      comp - the comparator to determine the order of the generic data (arguments are positions).
      swapper - an object that knows how to swap the elements at any two positions.
    • quickSort

      public static void quickSort(long from, long to, LongComparator comp, BigSwapper swapper)
      Sorts the specified range of elements using the specified big swapper and according to the order induced by the specified comparator using quicksort.

      The sorting algorithm is a tuned quicksort adapted from Jon L. Bentley and M. Douglas McIlroy, “Engineering a Sort Function”, Software: Practice and Experience, 23(11), pages 1249−1265, 1993.

      from - the index of the first element (inclusive) to be sorted.
      to - the index of the last element (exclusive) to be sorted.
      comp - the comparator to determine the order of the generic data.
      swapper - an object that knows how to swap the elements at any two positions.
    • get

      public static byte get(byte[][] array, long index)
      Returns the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      the element of the big array at the specified position.
    • set

      public static void set(byte[][] array, long index, byte value)
      Sets the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      value - the new value for the array element at the specified position.
    • swap

      public static void swap(byte[][] array, long first, long second)
      Swaps the element of the given big array of specified indices.
      array - a big array.
      first - a position in the big array.
      second - a position in the big array.
    • reverse

      public static byte[][] reverse(byte[][] a)
      Reverses the order of the elements in the specified big array.
      a - the big array to be reversed.
    • add

      public static void add(byte[][] array, long index, byte incr)
      Adds the specified increment the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      incr - the increment
    • mul

      public static void mul(byte[][] array, long index, byte factor)
      Multiplies by the specified factor the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      factor - the factor
    • incr

      public static void incr(byte[][] array, long index)
      Increments the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
    • decr

      public static void decr(byte[][] array, long index)
      Decrements the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
    • length

      public static long length(byte[][] array)
      Returns the length of the given big array.
      array - a big array.
      the length of the given big array.
    • copy

      public static void copy(byte[][] srcArray, long srcPos, byte[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
      Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array. Handles correctly overlapping regions of the same big array.
      srcArray - the source big array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source big array.
      destArray - the destination big array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • copyFromBig

      public static void copyFromBig(byte[][] srcArray, long srcPos, byte[] destArray, int destPos, int length)
      Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
      srcArray - the source big array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source big array.
      destArray - the destination array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • copyToBig

      public static void copyToBig(byte[] srcArray, int srcPos, byte[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
      Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
      srcArray - the source array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source array.
      destArray - the destination big array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • wrap

      public static byte[][] wrap(byte[] array)
      Turns a standard array into a big array.

      Note that the returned big array might contain as a segment the original array.

      array - an array.
      a new big array with the same length and content of array.
    • ensureCapacity

      public static byte[][] ensureCapacity(byte[][] array, long length)
      Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries.

      If you cannot foresee whether this big array will need again to be enlarged, you should probably use grow() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      array, if it contains length entries or more; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • forceCapacity

      public static byte[][] forceCapacity(byte[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Forces a big array to contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      a big array with length entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • ensureCapacity

      public static byte[][] ensureCapacity(byte[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      array, if it can contain length entries or more; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • grow

      public static byte[][] grow(byte[][] array, long length)
      Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length.

      If you want complete control on the big array growth, you should probably use ensureCapacity() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      array, if it can contain length entries; otherwise, a big array with max(length,length(array)/φ) entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • grow

      public static byte[][] grow(byte[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length, preserving just a part of the big array.

      If you want complete control on the big array growth, you should probably use ensureCapacity() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      array, if it can contain length entries; otherwise, a big array with max(length,length(array)/φ) entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • trim

      public static byte[][] trim(byte[][] array, long length)
      Trims the given big array to the given length.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new maximum length for the big array.
      array, if it contains length entries or less; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose entries are the same as the first length entries of array.
    • setLength

      public static byte[][] setLength(byte[][] array, long length)
      Sets the length of the given big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new length for the big array.
      array, if it contains exactly length entries; otherwise, if it contains more than length entries, a big array with length entries whose entries are the same as the first length entries of array; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • copy

      public static byte[][] copy(byte[][] array, long offset, long length)
      Returns a copy of a portion of a big array.
      array - a big array.
      offset - the first element to copy.
      length - the number of elements to copy.
      a new big array containing length elements of array starting at offset.
    • copy

      public static byte[][] copy(byte[][] array)
      Returns a copy of a big array.
      array - a big array.
      a copy of array.
    • fill

      public static void fill(byte[][] array, byte value)
      Fills the given big array with the given value.

      This method uses a backward loop. It is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      array - a big array.
      value - the new value for all elements of the big array.
    • fill

      public static void fill(byte[][] array, long from, long to, byte value)
      Fills a portion of the given big array with the given value.

      If possible (i.e., from is 0) this method uses a backward loop. In this case, it is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      array - a big array.
      from - the starting index of the portion to fill.
      to - the end index of the portion to fill.
      value - the new value for all elements of the specified portion of the big array.
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(byte[][] a1, byte[][] a2)
      Returns true if the two big arrays are elementwise equal.

      This method uses a backward loop. It is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      a1 - a big array.
      a2 - another big array.
      true if the two big arrays are of the same length, and their elements are equal.
    • toString

      public static String toString(byte[][] a)
    • ensureFromTo

      public static void ensureFromTo(byte[][] a, long from, long to)
      Ensures that a range given by its first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) elements fits a big array.

      This method may be used whenever a big array range check is needed.

      a - a big array.
      from - a start index (inclusive).
      to - an end index (inclusive).
      IllegalArgumentException - if from is greater than to.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if from or to are greater than the big array length or negative.
    • ensureOffsetLength

      public static void ensureOffsetLength(byte[][] a, long offset, long length)
      Ensures that a range given by an offset and a length fits a big array.

      This method may be used whenever a big array range check is needed.

      a - a big array.
      offset - a start index.
      length - a length (the number of elements in the range).
      IllegalArgumentException - if length is negative.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset is negative or offset+length is greater than the big array length.
    • ensureSameLength

      public static void ensureSameLength(byte[][] a, byte[][] b)
      Ensures that two big arrays are of the same length.
      a - a big array.
      b - another big array.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the two argument arrays are not of the same length.
    • shuffle

      public static byte[][] shuffle(byte[][] a, long from, long to, Random random)
      Shuffles the specified big array fragment using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
      a - the big array to be shuffled.
      from - the index of the first element (inclusive) to be shuffled.
      to - the index of the last element (exclusive) to be shuffled.
      random - a pseudorandom number generator.
    • shuffle

      public static byte[][] shuffle(byte[][] a, Random random)
      Shuffles the specified big array using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
      a - the big array to be shuffled.
      random - a pseudorandom number generator.
    • get

      public static int get(int[][] array, long index)
      Returns the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      the element of the big array at the specified position.
    • set

      public static void set(int[][] array, long index, int value)
      Sets the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      value - the new value for the array element at the specified position.
    • length

      public static long length(AtomicIntegerArray[] array)
      Returns the length of the given big atomic array.
      array - a big atomic array.
      the length of the given big atomic array.
    • get

      public static int get(AtomicIntegerArray[] array, long index)
      Returns the element of the given big atomic array of specified index.
      array - a big atomic array.
      index - a position in the big atomic array.
      the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
    • set

      public static void set(AtomicIntegerArray[] array, long index, int value)
      Sets an element of the given big atomic array to a specified value
      array - a big atomic array.
      index - a position in the big atomic array.
      value - a new value for the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
    • getAndSet

      public static int getAndSet(AtomicIntegerArray[] array, long index, int value)
      Atomically sets an element of the given big atomic array to a specified value, returning the old value.
      array - a big atomic array.
      index - a position in the big atomic array.
      value - a new value for the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
      the old value of the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
    • getAndAdd

      public static int getAndAdd(AtomicIntegerArray[] array, long index, int value)
      Atomically adds a value to an element of the given big atomic array, returning the old value.
      array - a big atomic array.
      index - a position in the big atomic array.
      value - a value to add to the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
      the old value of the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
    • addAndGet

      public static int addAndGet(AtomicIntegerArray[] array, long index, int value)
      Atomically adds a value to an element of the given big atomic array, returning the new value.
      array - a big atomic array.
      index - a position in the big atomic array.
      value - a value to add to the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
      the new value of the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
    • getAndIncrement

      public static int getAndIncrement(AtomicIntegerArray[] array, long index)
      Atomically increments an element of the given big atomic array, returning the old value.
      array - a big atomic array.
      index - a position in the big atomic array.
      the old value of the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
    • incrementAndGet

      public static int incrementAndGet(AtomicIntegerArray[] array, long index)
      Atomically increments an element of the given big atomic array, returning the new value.
      array - a big atomic array.
      index - a position in the big atomic array.
      the new value of the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
    • getAndDecrement

      public static int getAndDecrement(AtomicIntegerArray[] array, long index)
      Atomically decrements an element of the given big atomic array, returning the old value.
      array - a big atomic array.
      index - a position in the big atomic array.
      the old value of the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
    • decrementAndGet

      public static int decrementAndGet(AtomicIntegerArray[] array, long index)
      Atomically decrements an element of the given big atomic array, returning the new value.
      array - a big atomic array.
      index - a position in the big atomic array.
      the new value of the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
    • compareAndSet

      public static boolean compareAndSet(AtomicIntegerArray[] array, long index, int expected, int value)
      Atomically sets an element of the given big atomic array of specified index to specified value, given the current value is equal to a given expected value.
      array - a big atomic array.
      index - a position in the big atomic array.
      expected - an expected value for the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
      value - a new value for the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
      the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
    • swap

      public static void swap(int[][] array, long first, long second)
      Swaps the element of the given big array of specified indices.
      array - a big array.
      first - a position in the big array.
      second - a position in the big array.
    • reverse

      public static int[][] reverse(int[][] a)
      Reverses the order of the elements in the specified big array.
      a - the big array to be reversed.
    • add

      public static void add(int[][] array, long index, int incr)
      Adds the specified increment the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      incr - the increment
    • mul

      public static void mul(int[][] array, long index, int factor)
      Multiplies by the specified factor the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      factor - the factor
    • incr

      public static void incr(int[][] array, long index)
      Increments the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
    • decr

      public static void decr(int[][] array, long index)
      Decrements the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
    • length

      public static long length(int[][] array)
      Returns the length of the given big array.
      array - a big array.
      the length of the given big array.
    • copy

      public static void copy(int[][] srcArray, long srcPos, int[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
      Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array. Handles correctly overlapping regions of the same big array.
      srcArray - the source big array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source big array.
      destArray - the destination big array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • copyFromBig

      public static void copyFromBig(int[][] srcArray, long srcPos, int[] destArray, int destPos, int length)
      Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
      srcArray - the source big array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source big array.
      destArray - the destination array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • copyToBig

      public static void copyToBig(int[] srcArray, int srcPos, int[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
      Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
      srcArray - the source array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source array.
      destArray - the destination big array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • wrap

      public static int[][] wrap(int[] array)
      Turns a standard array into a big array.

      Note that the returned big array might contain as a segment the original array.

      array - an array.
      a new big array with the same length and content of array.
    • ensureCapacity

      public static int[][] ensureCapacity(int[][] array, long length)
      Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries.

      If you cannot foresee whether this big array will need again to be enlarged, you should probably use grow() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      array, if it contains length entries or more; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • forceCapacity

      public static int[][] forceCapacity(int[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Forces a big array to contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      a big array with length entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • ensureCapacity

      public static int[][] ensureCapacity(int[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      array, if it can contain length entries or more; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • grow

      public static int[][] grow(int[][] array, long length)
      Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length.

      If you want complete control on the big array growth, you should probably use ensureCapacity() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      array, if it can contain length entries; otherwise, a big array with max(length,length(array)/φ) entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • grow

      public static int[][] grow(int[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length, preserving just a part of the big array.

      If you want complete control on the big array growth, you should probably use ensureCapacity() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      array, if it can contain length entries; otherwise, a big array with max(length,length(array)/φ) entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • trim

      public static int[][] trim(int[][] array, long length)
      Trims the given big array to the given length.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new maximum length for the big array.
      array, if it contains length entries or less; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose entries are the same as the first length entries of array.
    • setLength

      public static int[][] setLength(int[][] array, long length)
      Sets the length of the given big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new length for the big array.
      array, if it contains exactly length entries; otherwise, if it contains more than length entries, a big array with length entries whose entries are the same as the first length entries of array; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • copy

      public static int[][] copy(int[][] array, long offset, long length)
      Returns a copy of a portion of a big array.
      array - a big array.
      offset - the first element to copy.
      length - the number of elements to copy.
      a new big array containing length elements of array starting at offset.
    • copy

      public static int[][] copy(int[][] array)
      Returns a copy of a big array.
      array - a big array.
      a copy of array.
    • fill

      public static void fill(int[][] array, int value)
      Fills the given big array with the given value.

      This method uses a backward loop. It is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      array - a big array.
      value - the new value for all elements of the big array.
    • fill

      public static void fill(int[][] array, long from, long to, int value)
      Fills a portion of the given big array with the given value.

      If possible (i.e., from is 0) this method uses a backward loop. In this case, it is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      array - a big array.
      from - the starting index of the portion to fill.
      to - the end index of the portion to fill.
      value - the new value for all elements of the specified portion of the big array.
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(int[][] a1, int[][] a2)
      Returns true if the two big arrays are elementwise equal.

      This method uses a backward loop. It is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      a1 - a big array.
      a2 - another big array.
      true if the two big arrays are of the same length, and their elements are equal.
    • toString

      public static String toString(int[][] a)
    • ensureFromTo

      public static void ensureFromTo(int[][] a, long from, long to)
      Ensures that a range given by its first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) elements fits a big array.

      This method may be used whenever a big array range check is needed.

      a - a big array.
      from - a start index (inclusive).
      to - an end index (inclusive).
      IllegalArgumentException - if from is greater than to.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if from or to are greater than the big array length or negative.
    • ensureOffsetLength

      public static void ensureOffsetLength(int[][] a, long offset, long length)
      Ensures that a range given by an offset and a length fits a big array.

      This method may be used whenever a big array range check is needed.

      a - a big array.
      offset - a start index.
      length - a length (the number of elements in the range).
      IllegalArgumentException - if length is negative.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset is negative or offset+length is greater than the big array length.
    • ensureSameLength

      public static void ensureSameLength(int[][] a, int[][] b)
      Ensures that two big arrays are of the same length.
      a - a big array.
      b - another big array.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the two argument arrays are not of the same length.
    • shuffle

      public static int[][] shuffle(int[][] a, long from, long to, Random random)
      Shuffles the specified big array fragment using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
      a - the big array to be shuffled.
      from - the index of the first element (inclusive) to be shuffled.
      to - the index of the last element (exclusive) to be shuffled.
      random - a pseudorandom number generator.
    • shuffle

      public static int[][] shuffle(int[][] a, Random random)
      Shuffles the specified big array using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
      a - the big array to be shuffled.
      random - a pseudorandom number generator.
    • get

      public static long get(long[][] array, long index)
      Returns the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      the element of the big array at the specified position.
    • set

      public static void set(long[][] array, long index, long value)
      Sets the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      value - the new value for the array element at the specified position.
    • length

      public static long length(AtomicLongArray[] array)
      Returns the length of the given big atomic array.
      array - a big atomic array.
      the length of the given big atomic array.
    • get

      public static long get(AtomicLongArray[] array, long index)
      Returns the element of the given big atomic array of specified index.
      array - a big atomic array.
      index - a position in the big atomic array.
      the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
    • set

      public static void set(AtomicLongArray[] array, long index, long value)
      Sets an element of the given big atomic array to a specified value
      array - a big atomic array.
      index - a position in the big atomic array.
      value - a new value for the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
    • getAndSet

      public static long getAndSet(AtomicLongArray[] array, long index, long value)
      Atomically sets an element of the given big atomic array to a specified value, returning the old value.
      array - a big atomic array.
      index - a position in the big atomic array.
      value - a new value for the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
      the old value of the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
    • getAndAdd

      public static long getAndAdd(AtomicLongArray[] array, long index, long value)
      Atomically adds a value to an element of the given big atomic array, returning the old value.
      array - a big atomic array.
      index - a position in the big atomic array.
      value - a value to add to the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
      the old value of the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
    • addAndGet

      public static long addAndGet(AtomicLongArray[] array, long index, long value)
      Atomically adds a value to an element of the given big atomic array, returning the new value.
      array - a big atomic array.
      index - a position in the big atomic array.
      value - a value to add to the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
      the new value of the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
    • getAndIncrement

      public static long getAndIncrement(AtomicLongArray[] array, long index)
      Atomically increments an element of the given big atomic array, returning the old value.
      array - a big atomic array.
      index - a position in the big atomic array.
      the old value of the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
    • incrementAndGet

      public static long incrementAndGet(AtomicLongArray[] array, long index)
      Atomically increments an element of the given big atomic array, returning the new value.
      array - a big atomic array.
      index - a position in the big atomic array.
      the new value of the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
    • getAndDecrement

      public static long getAndDecrement(AtomicLongArray[] array, long index)
      Atomically decrements an element of the given big atomic array, returning the old value.
      array - a big atomic array.
      index - a position in the big atomic array.
      the old value of the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
    • decrementAndGet

      public static long decrementAndGet(AtomicLongArray[] array, long index)
      Atomically decrements an element of the given big atomic array, returning the new value.
      array - a big atomic array.
      index - a position in the big atomic array.
      the new value of the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
    • compareAndSet

      public static boolean compareAndSet(AtomicLongArray[] array, long index, long expected, long value)
      Atomically sets an element of the given big atomic array of specified index to specified value, given the current value is equal to a given expected value.
      array - a big atomic array.
      index - a position in the big atomic array.
      expected - an expected value for the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
      value - a new value for the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
      the element of the big atomic array at the specified position.
    • swap

      public static void swap(long[][] array, long first, long second)
      Swaps the element of the given big array of specified indices.
      array - a big array.
      first - a position in the big array.
      second - a position in the big array.
    • reverse

      public static long[][] reverse(long[][] a)
      Reverses the order of the elements in the specified big array.
      a - the big array to be reversed.
    • add

      public static void add(long[][] array, long index, long incr)
      Adds the specified increment the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      incr - the increment
    • mul

      public static void mul(long[][] array, long index, long factor)
      Multiplies by the specified factor the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      factor - the factor
    • incr

      public static void incr(long[][] array, long index)
      Increments the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
    • decr

      public static void decr(long[][] array, long index)
      Decrements the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
    • length

      public static long length(long[][] array)
      Returns the length of the given big array.
      array - a big array.
      the length of the given big array.
    • copy

      public static void copy(long[][] srcArray, long srcPos, long[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
      Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array. Handles correctly overlapping regions of the same big array.
      srcArray - the source big array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source big array.
      destArray - the destination big array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • copyFromBig

      public static void copyFromBig(long[][] srcArray, long srcPos, long[] destArray, int destPos, int length)
      Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
      srcArray - the source big array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source big array.
      destArray - the destination array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • copyToBig

      public static void copyToBig(long[] srcArray, int srcPos, long[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
      Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
      srcArray - the source array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source array.
      destArray - the destination big array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • wrap

      public static long[][] wrap(long[] array)
      Turns a standard array into a big array.

      Note that the returned big array might contain as a segment the original array.

      array - an array.
      a new big array with the same length and content of array.
    • ensureCapacity

      public static long[][] ensureCapacity(long[][] array, long length)
      Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries.

      If you cannot foresee whether this big array will need again to be enlarged, you should probably use grow() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      array, if it contains length entries or more; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • forceCapacity

      public static long[][] forceCapacity(long[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Forces a big array to contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      a big array with length entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • ensureCapacity

      public static long[][] ensureCapacity(long[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      array, if it can contain length entries or more; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • grow

      public static long[][] grow(long[][] array, long length)
      Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length.

      If you want complete control on the big array growth, you should probably use ensureCapacity() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      array, if it can contain length entries; otherwise, a big array with max(length,length(array)/φ) entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • grow

      public static long[][] grow(long[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length, preserving just a part of the big array.

      If you want complete control on the big array growth, you should probably use ensureCapacity() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      array, if it can contain length entries; otherwise, a big array with max(length,length(array)/φ) entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • trim

      public static long[][] trim(long[][] array, long length)
      Trims the given big array to the given length.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new maximum length for the big array.
      array, if it contains length entries or less; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose entries are the same as the first length entries of array.
    • setLength

      public static long[][] setLength(long[][] array, long length)
      Sets the length of the given big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new length for the big array.
      array, if it contains exactly length entries; otherwise, if it contains more than length entries, a big array with length entries whose entries are the same as the first length entries of array; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • copy

      public static long[][] copy(long[][] array, long offset, long length)
      Returns a copy of a portion of a big array.
      array - a big array.
      offset - the first element to copy.
      length - the number of elements to copy.
      a new big array containing length elements of array starting at offset.
    • copy

      public static long[][] copy(long[][] array)
      Returns a copy of a big array.
      array - a big array.
      a copy of array.
    • fill

      public static void fill(long[][] array, long value)
      Fills the given big array with the given value.

      This method uses a backward loop. It is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      array - a big array.
      value - the new value for all elements of the big array.
    • fill

      public static void fill(long[][] array, long from, long to, long value)
      Fills a portion of the given big array with the given value.

      If possible (i.e., from is 0) this method uses a backward loop. In this case, it is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      array - a big array.
      from - the starting index of the portion to fill.
      to - the end index of the portion to fill.
      value - the new value for all elements of the specified portion of the big array.
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(long[][] a1, long[][] a2)
      Returns true if the two big arrays are elementwise equal.

      This method uses a backward loop. It is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      a1 - a big array.
      a2 - another big array.
      true if the two big arrays are of the same length, and their elements are equal.
    • toString

      public static String toString(long[][] a)
    • ensureFromTo

      public static void ensureFromTo(long[][] a, long from, long to)
      Ensures that a range given by its first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) elements fits a big array.

      This method may be used whenever a big array range check is needed.

      a - a big array.
      from - a start index (inclusive).
      to - an end index (inclusive).
      IllegalArgumentException - if from is greater than to.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if from or to are greater than the big array length or negative.
    • ensureOffsetLength

      public static void ensureOffsetLength(long[][] a, long offset, long length)
      Ensures that a range given by an offset and a length fits a big array.

      This method may be used whenever a big array range check is needed.

      a - a big array.
      offset - a start index.
      length - a length (the number of elements in the range).
      IllegalArgumentException - if length is negative.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset is negative or offset+length is greater than the big array length.
    • ensureSameLength

      public static void ensureSameLength(long[][] a, long[][] b)
      Ensures that two big arrays are of the same length.
      a - a big array.
      b - another big array.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the two argument arrays are not of the same length.
    • shuffle

      public static long[][] shuffle(long[][] a, long from, long to, Random random)
      Shuffles the specified big array fragment using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
      a - the big array to be shuffled.
      from - the index of the first element (inclusive) to be shuffled.
      to - the index of the last element (exclusive) to be shuffled.
      random - a pseudorandom number generator.
    • shuffle

      public static long[][] shuffle(long[][] a, Random random)
      Shuffles the specified big array using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
      a - the big array to be shuffled.
      random - a pseudorandom number generator.
    • get

      public static double get(double[][] array, long index)
      Returns the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      the element of the big array at the specified position.
    • set

      public static void set(double[][] array, long index, double value)
      Sets the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      value - the new value for the array element at the specified position.
    • swap

      public static void swap(double[][] array, long first, long second)
      Swaps the element of the given big array of specified indices.
      array - a big array.
      first - a position in the big array.
      second - a position in the big array.
    • reverse

      public static double[][] reverse(double[][] a)
      Reverses the order of the elements in the specified big array.
      a - the big array to be reversed.
    • add

      public static void add(double[][] array, long index, double incr)
      Adds the specified increment the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      incr - the increment
    • mul

      public static void mul(double[][] array, long index, double factor)
      Multiplies by the specified factor the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      factor - the factor
    • incr

      public static void incr(double[][] array, long index)
      Increments the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
    • decr

      public static void decr(double[][] array, long index)
      Decrements the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
    • length

      public static long length(double[][] array)
      Returns the length of the given big array.
      array - a big array.
      the length of the given big array.
    • copy

      public static void copy(double[][] srcArray, long srcPos, double[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
      Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array. Handles correctly overlapping regions of the same big array.
      srcArray - the source big array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source big array.
      destArray - the destination big array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • copyFromBig

      public static void copyFromBig(double[][] srcArray, long srcPos, double[] destArray, int destPos, int length)
      Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
      srcArray - the source big array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source big array.
      destArray - the destination array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • copyToBig

      public static void copyToBig(double[] srcArray, int srcPos, double[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
      Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
      srcArray - the source array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source array.
      destArray - the destination big array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • wrap

      public static double[][] wrap(double[] array)
      Turns a standard array into a big array.

      Note that the returned big array might contain as a segment the original array.

      array - an array.
      a new big array with the same length and content of array.
    • ensureCapacity

      public static double[][] ensureCapacity(double[][] array, long length)
      Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries.

      If you cannot foresee whether this big array will need again to be enlarged, you should probably use grow() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      array, if it contains length entries or more; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • forceCapacity

      public static double[][] forceCapacity(double[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Forces a big array to contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      a big array with length entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • ensureCapacity

      public static double[][] ensureCapacity(double[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      array, if it can contain length entries or more; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • grow

      public static double[][] grow(double[][] array, long length)
      Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length.

      If you want complete control on the big array growth, you should probably use ensureCapacity() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      array, if it can contain length entries; otherwise, a big array with max(length,length(array)/φ) entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • grow

      public static double[][] grow(double[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length, preserving just a part of the big array.

      If you want complete control on the big array growth, you should probably use ensureCapacity() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      array, if it can contain length entries; otherwise, a big array with max(length,length(array)/φ) entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • trim

      public static double[][] trim(double[][] array, long length)
      Trims the given big array to the given length.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new maximum length for the big array.
      array, if it contains length entries or less; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose entries are the same as the first length entries of array.
    • setLength

      public static double[][] setLength(double[][] array, long length)
      Sets the length of the given big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new length for the big array.
      array, if it contains exactly length entries; otherwise, if it contains more than length entries, a big array with length entries whose entries are the same as the first length entries of array; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • copy

      public static double[][] copy(double[][] array, long offset, long length)
      Returns a copy of a portion of a big array.
      array - a big array.
      offset - the first element to copy.
      length - the number of elements to copy.
      a new big array containing length elements of array starting at offset.
    • copy

      public static double[][] copy(double[][] array)
      Returns a copy of a big array.
      array - a big array.
      a copy of array.
    • fill

      public static void fill(double[][] array, double value)
      Fills the given big array with the given value.

      This method uses a backward loop. It is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      array - a big array.
      value - the new value for all elements of the big array.
    • fill

      public static void fill(double[][] array, long from, long to, double value)
      Fills a portion of the given big array with the given value.

      If possible (i.e., from is 0) this method uses a backward loop. In this case, it is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      array - a big array.
      from - the starting index of the portion to fill.
      to - the end index of the portion to fill.
      value - the new value for all elements of the specified portion of the big array.
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(double[][] a1, double[][] a2)
      Returns true if the two big arrays are elementwise equal.

      This method uses a backward loop. It is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      a1 - a big array.
      a2 - another big array.
      true if the two big arrays are of the same length, and their elements are equal.
    • toString

      public static String toString(double[][] a)
    • ensureFromTo

      public static void ensureFromTo(double[][] a, long from, long to)
      Ensures that a range given by its first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) elements fits a big array.

      This method may be used whenever a big array range check is needed.

      a - a big array.
      from - a start index (inclusive).
      to - an end index (inclusive).
      IllegalArgumentException - if from is greater than to.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if from or to are greater than the big array length or negative.
    • ensureOffsetLength

      public static void ensureOffsetLength(double[][] a, long offset, long length)
      Ensures that a range given by an offset and a length fits a big array.

      This method may be used whenever a big array range check is needed.

      a - a big array.
      offset - a start index.
      length - a length (the number of elements in the range).
      IllegalArgumentException - if length is negative.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset is negative or offset+length is greater than the big array length.
    • ensureSameLength

      public static void ensureSameLength(double[][] a, double[][] b)
      Ensures that two big arrays are of the same length.
      a - a big array.
      b - another big array.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the two argument arrays are not of the same length.
    • shuffle

      public static double[][] shuffle(double[][] a, long from, long to, Random random)
      Shuffles the specified big array fragment using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
      a - the big array to be shuffled.
      from - the index of the first element (inclusive) to be shuffled.
      to - the index of the last element (exclusive) to be shuffled.
      random - a pseudorandom number generator.
    • shuffle

      public static double[][] shuffle(double[][] a, Random random)
      Shuffles the specified big array using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
      a - the big array to be shuffled.
      random - a pseudorandom number generator.
    • get

      public static boolean get(boolean[][] array, long index)
      Returns the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      the element of the big array at the specified position.
    • set

      public static void set(boolean[][] array, long index, boolean value)
      Sets the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      value - the new value for the array element at the specified position.
    • swap

      public static void swap(boolean[][] array, long first, long second)
      Swaps the element of the given big array of specified indices.
      array - a big array.
      first - a position in the big array.
      second - a position in the big array.
    • reverse

      public static boolean[][] reverse(boolean[][] a)
      Reverses the order of the elements in the specified big array.
      a - the big array to be reversed.
    • length

      public static long length(boolean[][] array)
      Returns the length of the given big array.
      array - a big array.
      the length of the given big array.
    • copy

      public static void copy(boolean[][] srcArray, long srcPos, boolean[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
      Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array. Handles correctly overlapping regions of the same big array.
      srcArray - the source big array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source big array.
      destArray - the destination big array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • copyFromBig

      public static void copyFromBig(boolean[][] srcArray, long srcPos, boolean[] destArray, int destPos, int length)
      Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
      srcArray - the source big array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source big array.
      destArray - the destination array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • copyToBig

      public static void copyToBig(boolean[] srcArray, int srcPos, boolean[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
      Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
      srcArray - the source array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source array.
      destArray - the destination big array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • wrap

      public static boolean[][] wrap(boolean[] array)
      Turns a standard array into a big array.

      Note that the returned big array might contain as a segment the original array.

      array - an array.
      a new big array with the same length and content of array.
    • ensureCapacity

      public static boolean[][] ensureCapacity(boolean[][] array, long length)
      Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries.

      If you cannot foresee whether this big array will need again to be enlarged, you should probably use grow() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      array, if it contains length entries or more; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • forceCapacity

      public static boolean[][] forceCapacity(boolean[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Forces a big array to contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      a big array with length entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • ensureCapacity

      public static boolean[][] ensureCapacity(boolean[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      array, if it can contain length entries or more; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • grow

      public static boolean[][] grow(boolean[][] array, long length)
      Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length.

      If you want complete control on the big array growth, you should probably use ensureCapacity() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      array, if it can contain length entries; otherwise, a big array with max(length,length(array)/φ) entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • grow

      public static boolean[][] grow(boolean[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length, preserving just a part of the big array.

      If you want complete control on the big array growth, you should probably use ensureCapacity() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      array, if it can contain length entries; otherwise, a big array with max(length,length(array)/φ) entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • trim

      public static boolean[][] trim(boolean[][] array, long length)
      Trims the given big array to the given length.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new maximum length for the big array.
      array, if it contains length entries or less; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose entries are the same as the first length entries of array.
    • setLength

      public static boolean[][] setLength(boolean[][] array, long length)
      Sets the length of the given big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new length for the big array.
      array, if it contains exactly length entries; otherwise, if it contains more than length entries, a big array with length entries whose entries are the same as the first length entries of array; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • copy

      public static boolean[][] copy(boolean[][] array, long offset, long length)
      Returns a copy of a portion of a big array.
      array - a big array.
      offset - the first element to copy.
      length - the number of elements to copy.
      a new big array containing length elements of array starting at offset.
    • copy

      public static boolean[][] copy(boolean[][] array)
      Returns a copy of a big array.
      array - a big array.
      a copy of array.
    • fill

      public static void fill(boolean[][] array, boolean value)
      Fills the given big array with the given value.

      This method uses a backward loop. It is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      array - a big array.
      value - the new value for all elements of the big array.
    • fill

      public static void fill(boolean[][] array, long from, long to, boolean value)
      Fills a portion of the given big array with the given value.

      If possible (i.e., from is 0) this method uses a backward loop. In this case, it is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      array - a big array.
      from - the starting index of the portion to fill.
      to - the end index of the portion to fill.
      value - the new value for all elements of the specified portion of the big array.
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(boolean[][] a1, boolean[][] a2)
      Returns true if the two big arrays are elementwise equal.

      This method uses a backward loop. It is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      a1 - a big array.
      a2 - another big array.
      true if the two big arrays are of the same length, and their elements are equal.
    • toString

      public static String toString(boolean[][] a)
    • ensureFromTo

      public static void ensureFromTo(boolean[][] a, long from, long to)
      Ensures that a range given by its first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) elements fits a big array.

      This method may be used whenever a big array range check is needed.

      a - a big array.
      from - a start index (inclusive).
      to - an end index (inclusive).
      IllegalArgumentException - if from is greater than to.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if from or to are greater than the big array length or negative.
    • ensureOffsetLength

      public static void ensureOffsetLength(boolean[][] a, long offset, long length)
      Ensures that a range given by an offset and a length fits a big array.

      This method may be used whenever a big array range check is needed.

      a - a big array.
      offset - a start index.
      length - a length (the number of elements in the range).
      IllegalArgumentException - if length is negative.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset is negative or offset+length is greater than the big array length.
    • ensureSameLength

      public static void ensureSameLength(boolean[][] a, boolean[][] b)
      Ensures that two big arrays are of the same length.
      a - a big array.
      b - another big array.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the two argument arrays are not of the same length.
    • shuffle

      public static boolean[][] shuffle(boolean[][] a, long from, long to, Random random)
      Shuffles the specified big array fragment using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
      a - the big array to be shuffled.
      from - the index of the first element (inclusive) to be shuffled.
      to - the index of the last element (exclusive) to be shuffled.
      random - a pseudorandom number generator.
    • shuffle

      public static boolean[][] shuffle(boolean[][] a, Random random)
      Shuffles the specified big array using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
      a - the big array to be shuffled.
      random - a pseudorandom number generator.
    • get

      public static short get(short[][] array, long index)
      Returns the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      the element of the big array at the specified position.
    • set

      public static void set(short[][] array, long index, short value)
      Sets the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      value - the new value for the array element at the specified position.
    • swap

      public static void swap(short[][] array, long first, long second)
      Swaps the element of the given big array of specified indices.
      array - a big array.
      first - a position in the big array.
      second - a position in the big array.
    • reverse

      public static short[][] reverse(short[][] a)
      Reverses the order of the elements in the specified big array.
      a - the big array to be reversed.
    • add

      public static void add(short[][] array, long index, short incr)
      Adds the specified increment the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      incr - the increment
    • mul

      public static void mul(short[][] array, long index, short factor)
      Multiplies by the specified factor the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      factor - the factor
    • incr

      public static void incr(short[][] array, long index)
      Increments the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
    • decr

      public static void decr(short[][] array, long index)
      Decrements the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
    • length

      public static long length(short[][] array)
      Returns the length of the given big array.
      array - a big array.
      the length of the given big array.
    • copy

      public static void copy(short[][] srcArray, long srcPos, short[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
      Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array. Handles correctly overlapping regions of the same big array.
      srcArray - the source big array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source big array.
      destArray - the destination big array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • copyFromBig

      public static void copyFromBig(short[][] srcArray, long srcPos, short[] destArray, int destPos, int length)
      Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
      srcArray - the source big array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source big array.
      destArray - the destination array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • copyToBig

      public static void copyToBig(short[] srcArray, int srcPos, short[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
      Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
      srcArray - the source array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source array.
      destArray - the destination big array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • wrap

      public static short[][] wrap(short[] array)
      Turns a standard array into a big array.

      Note that the returned big array might contain as a segment the original array.

      array - an array.
      a new big array with the same length and content of array.
    • ensureCapacity

      public static short[][] ensureCapacity(short[][] array, long length)
      Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries.

      If you cannot foresee whether this big array will need again to be enlarged, you should probably use grow() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      array, if it contains length entries or more; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • forceCapacity

      public static short[][] forceCapacity(short[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Forces a big array to contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      a big array with length entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • ensureCapacity

      public static short[][] ensureCapacity(short[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      array, if it can contain length entries or more; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • grow

      public static short[][] grow(short[][] array, long length)
      Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length.

      If you want complete control on the big array growth, you should probably use ensureCapacity() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      array, if it can contain length entries; otherwise, a big array with max(length,length(array)/φ) entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • grow

      public static short[][] grow(short[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length, preserving just a part of the big array.

      If you want complete control on the big array growth, you should probably use ensureCapacity() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      array, if it can contain length entries; otherwise, a big array with max(length,length(array)/φ) entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • trim

      public static short[][] trim(short[][] array, long length)
      Trims the given big array to the given length.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new maximum length for the big array.
      array, if it contains length entries or less; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose entries are the same as the first length entries of array.
    • setLength

      public static short[][] setLength(short[][] array, long length)
      Sets the length of the given big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new length for the big array.
      array, if it contains exactly length entries; otherwise, if it contains more than length entries, a big array with length entries whose entries are the same as the first length entries of array; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • copy

      public static short[][] copy(short[][] array, long offset, long length)
      Returns a copy of a portion of a big array.
      array - a big array.
      offset - the first element to copy.
      length - the number of elements to copy.
      a new big array containing length elements of array starting at offset.
    • copy

      public static short[][] copy(short[][] array)
      Returns a copy of a big array.
      array - a big array.
      a copy of array.
    • fill

      public static void fill(short[][] array, short value)
      Fills the given big array with the given value.

      This method uses a backward loop. It is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      array - a big array.
      value - the new value for all elements of the big array.
    • fill

      public static void fill(short[][] array, long from, long to, short value)
      Fills a portion of the given big array with the given value.

      If possible (i.e., from is 0) this method uses a backward loop. In this case, it is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      array - a big array.
      from - the starting index of the portion to fill.
      to - the end index of the portion to fill.
      value - the new value for all elements of the specified portion of the big array.
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(short[][] a1, short[][] a2)
      Returns true if the two big arrays are elementwise equal.

      This method uses a backward loop. It is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      a1 - a big array.
      a2 - another big array.
      true if the two big arrays are of the same length, and their elements are equal.
    • toString

      public static String toString(short[][] a)
    • ensureFromTo

      public static void ensureFromTo(short[][] a, long from, long to)
      Ensures that a range given by its first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) elements fits a big array.

      This method may be used whenever a big array range check is needed.

      a - a big array.
      from - a start index (inclusive).
      to - an end index (inclusive).
      IllegalArgumentException - if from is greater than to.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if from or to are greater than the big array length or negative.
    • ensureOffsetLength

      public static void ensureOffsetLength(short[][] a, long offset, long length)
      Ensures that a range given by an offset and a length fits a big array.

      This method may be used whenever a big array range check is needed.

      a - a big array.
      offset - a start index.
      length - a length (the number of elements in the range).
      IllegalArgumentException - if length is negative.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset is negative or offset+length is greater than the big array length.
    • ensureSameLength

      public static void ensureSameLength(short[][] a, short[][] b)
      Ensures that two big arrays are of the same length.
      a - a big array.
      b - another big array.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the two argument arrays are not of the same length.
    • shuffle

      public static short[][] shuffle(short[][] a, long from, long to, Random random)
      Shuffles the specified big array fragment using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
      a - the big array to be shuffled.
      from - the index of the first element (inclusive) to be shuffled.
      to - the index of the last element (exclusive) to be shuffled.
      random - a pseudorandom number generator.
    • shuffle

      public static short[][] shuffle(short[][] a, Random random)
      Shuffles the specified big array using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
      a - the big array to be shuffled.
      random - a pseudorandom number generator.
    • get

      public static char get(char[][] array, long index)
      Returns the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      the element of the big array at the specified position.
    • set

      public static void set(char[][] array, long index, char value)
      Sets the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      value - the new value for the array element at the specified position.
    • swap

      public static void swap(char[][] array, long first, long second)
      Swaps the element of the given big array of specified indices.
      array - a big array.
      first - a position in the big array.
      second - a position in the big array.
    • reverse

      public static char[][] reverse(char[][] a)
      Reverses the order of the elements in the specified big array.
      a - the big array to be reversed.
    • add

      public static void add(char[][] array, long index, char incr)
      Adds the specified increment the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      incr - the increment
    • mul

      public static void mul(char[][] array, long index, char factor)
      Multiplies by the specified factor the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      factor - the factor
    • incr

      public static void incr(char[][] array, long index)
      Increments the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
    • decr

      public static void decr(char[][] array, long index)
      Decrements the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
    • length

      public static long length(char[][] array)
      Returns the length of the given big array.
      array - a big array.
      the length of the given big array.
    • copy

      public static void copy(char[][] srcArray, long srcPos, char[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
      Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array. Handles correctly overlapping regions of the same big array.
      srcArray - the source big array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source big array.
      destArray - the destination big array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • copyFromBig

      public static void copyFromBig(char[][] srcArray, long srcPos, char[] destArray, int destPos, int length)
      Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
      srcArray - the source big array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source big array.
      destArray - the destination array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • copyToBig

      public static void copyToBig(char[] srcArray, int srcPos, char[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
      Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
      srcArray - the source array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source array.
      destArray - the destination big array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • wrap

      public static char[][] wrap(char[] array)
      Turns a standard array into a big array.

      Note that the returned big array might contain as a segment the original array.

      array - an array.
      a new big array with the same length and content of array.
    • ensureCapacity

      public static char[][] ensureCapacity(char[][] array, long length)
      Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries.

      If you cannot foresee whether this big array will need again to be enlarged, you should probably use grow() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      array, if it contains length entries or more; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • forceCapacity

      public static char[][] forceCapacity(char[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Forces a big array to contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      a big array with length entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • ensureCapacity

      public static char[][] ensureCapacity(char[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      array, if it can contain length entries or more; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • grow

      public static char[][] grow(char[][] array, long length)
      Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length.

      If you want complete control on the big array growth, you should probably use ensureCapacity() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      array, if it can contain length entries; otherwise, a big array with max(length,length(array)/φ) entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • grow

      public static char[][] grow(char[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length, preserving just a part of the big array.

      If you want complete control on the big array growth, you should probably use ensureCapacity() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      array, if it can contain length entries; otherwise, a big array with max(length,length(array)/φ) entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • trim

      public static char[][] trim(char[][] array, long length)
      Trims the given big array to the given length.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new maximum length for the big array.
      array, if it contains length entries or less; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose entries are the same as the first length entries of array.
    • setLength

      public static char[][] setLength(char[][] array, long length)
      Sets the length of the given big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new length for the big array.
      array, if it contains exactly length entries; otherwise, if it contains more than length entries, a big array with length entries whose entries are the same as the first length entries of array; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • copy

      public static char[][] copy(char[][] array, long offset, long length)
      Returns a copy of a portion of a big array.
      array - a big array.
      offset - the first element to copy.
      length - the number of elements to copy.
      a new big array containing length elements of array starting at offset.
    • copy

      public static char[][] copy(char[][] array)
      Returns a copy of a big array.
      array - a big array.
      a copy of array.
    • fill

      public static void fill(char[][] array, char value)
      Fills the given big array with the given value.

      This method uses a backward loop. It is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      array - a big array.
      value - the new value for all elements of the big array.
    • fill

      public static void fill(char[][] array, long from, long to, char value)
      Fills a portion of the given big array with the given value.

      If possible (i.e., from is 0) this method uses a backward loop. In this case, it is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      array - a big array.
      from - the starting index of the portion to fill.
      to - the end index of the portion to fill.
      value - the new value for all elements of the specified portion of the big array.
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(char[][] a1, char[][] a2)
      Returns true if the two big arrays are elementwise equal.

      This method uses a backward loop. It is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      a1 - a big array.
      a2 - another big array.
      true if the two big arrays are of the same length, and their elements are equal.
    • toString

      public static String toString(char[][] a)
    • ensureFromTo

      public static void ensureFromTo(char[][] a, long from, long to)
      Ensures that a range given by its first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) elements fits a big array.

      This method may be used whenever a big array range check is needed.

      a - a big array.
      from - a start index (inclusive).
      to - an end index (inclusive).
      IllegalArgumentException - if from is greater than to.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if from or to are greater than the big array length or negative.
    • ensureOffsetLength

      public static void ensureOffsetLength(char[][] a, long offset, long length)
      Ensures that a range given by an offset and a length fits a big array.

      This method may be used whenever a big array range check is needed.

      a - a big array.
      offset - a start index.
      length - a length (the number of elements in the range).
      IllegalArgumentException - if length is negative.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset is negative or offset+length is greater than the big array length.
    • ensureSameLength

      public static void ensureSameLength(char[][] a, char[][] b)
      Ensures that two big arrays are of the same length.
      a - a big array.
      b - another big array.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the two argument arrays are not of the same length.
    • shuffle

      public static char[][] shuffle(char[][] a, long from, long to, Random random)
      Shuffles the specified big array fragment using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
      a - the big array to be shuffled.
      from - the index of the first element (inclusive) to be shuffled.
      to - the index of the last element (exclusive) to be shuffled.
      random - a pseudorandom number generator.
    • shuffle

      public static char[][] shuffle(char[][] a, Random random)
      Shuffles the specified big array using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
      a - the big array to be shuffled.
      random - a pseudorandom number generator.
    • get

      public static float get(float[][] array, long index)
      Returns the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      the element of the big array at the specified position.
    • set

      public static void set(float[][] array, long index, float value)
      Sets the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      value - the new value for the array element at the specified position.
    • swap

      public static void swap(float[][] array, long first, long second)
      Swaps the element of the given big array of specified indices.
      array - a big array.
      first - a position in the big array.
      second - a position in the big array.
    • reverse

      public static float[][] reverse(float[][] a)
      Reverses the order of the elements in the specified big array.
      a - the big array to be reversed.
    • add

      public static void add(float[][] array, long index, float incr)
      Adds the specified increment the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      incr - the increment
    • mul

      public static void mul(float[][] array, long index, float factor)
      Multiplies by the specified factor the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      factor - the factor
    • incr

      public static void incr(float[][] array, long index)
      Increments the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
    • decr

      public static void decr(float[][] array, long index)
      Decrements the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
    • length

      public static long length(float[][] array)
      Returns the length of the given big array.
      array - a big array.
      the length of the given big array.
    • copy

      public static void copy(float[][] srcArray, long srcPos, float[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
      Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array. Handles correctly overlapping regions of the same big array.
      srcArray - the source big array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source big array.
      destArray - the destination big array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • copyFromBig

      public static void copyFromBig(float[][] srcArray, long srcPos, float[] destArray, int destPos, int length)
      Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
      srcArray - the source big array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source big array.
      destArray - the destination array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • copyToBig

      public static void copyToBig(float[] srcArray, int srcPos, float[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
      Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
      srcArray - the source array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source array.
      destArray - the destination big array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • wrap

      public static float[][] wrap(float[] array)
      Turns a standard array into a big array.

      Note that the returned big array might contain as a segment the original array.

      array - an array.
      a new big array with the same length and content of array.
    • ensureCapacity

      public static float[][] ensureCapacity(float[][] array, long length)
      Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries.

      If you cannot foresee whether this big array will need again to be enlarged, you should probably use grow() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      array, if it contains length entries or more; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • forceCapacity

      public static float[][] forceCapacity(float[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Forces a big array to contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      a big array with length entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • ensureCapacity

      public static float[][] ensureCapacity(float[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      array, if it can contain length entries or more; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • grow

      public static float[][] grow(float[][] array, long length)
      Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length.

      If you want complete control on the big array growth, you should probably use ensureCapacity() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      array, if it can contain length entries; otherwise, a big array with max(length,length(array)/φ) entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • grow

      public static float[][] grow(float[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length, preserving just a part of the big array.

      If you want complete control on the big array growth, you should probably use ensureCapacity() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      array, if it can contain length entries; otherwise, a big array with max(length,length(array)/φ) entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • trim

      public static float[][] trim(float[][] array, long length)
      Trims the given big array to the given length.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new maximum length for the big array.
      array, if it contains length entries or less; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose entries are the same as the first length entries of array.
    • setLength

      public static float[][] setLength(float[][] array, long length)
      Sets the length of the given big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new length for the big array.
      array, if it contains exactly length entries; otherwise, if it contains more than length entries, a big array with length entries whose entries are the same as the first length entries of array; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • copy

      public static float[][] copy(float[][] array, long offset, long length)
      Returns a copy of a portion of a big array.
      array - a big array.
      offset - the first element to copy.
      length - the number of elements to copy.
      a new big array containing length elements of array starting at offset.
    • copy

      public static float[][] copy(float[][] array)
      Returns a copy of a big array.
      array - a big array.
      a copy of array.
    • fill

      public static void fill(float[][] array, float value)
      Fills the given big array with the given value.

      This method uses a backward loop. It is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      array - a big array.
      value - the new value for all elements of the big array.
    • fill

      public static void fill(float[][] array, long from, long to, float value)
      Fills a portion of the given big array with the given value.

      If possible (i.e., from is 0) this method uses a backward loop. In this case, it is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      array - a big array.
      from - the starting index of the portion to fill.
      to - the end index of the portion to fill.
      value - the new value for all elements of the specified portion of the big array.
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(float[][] a1, float[][] a2)
      Returns true if the two big arrays are elementwise equal.

      This method uses a backward loop. It is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      a1 - a big array.
      a2 - another big array.
      true if the two big arrays are of the same length, and their elements are equal.
    • toString

      public static String toString(float[][] a)
    • ensureFromTo

      public static void ensureFromTo(float[][] a, long from, long to)
      Ensures that a range given by its first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) elements fits a big array.

      This method may be used whenever a big array range check is needed.

      a - a big array.
      from - a start index (inclusive).
      to - an end index (inclusive).
      IllegalArgumentException - if from is greater than to.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if from or to are greater than the big array length or negative.
    • ensureOffsetLength

      public static void ensureOffsetLength(float[][] a, long offset, long length)
      Ensures that a range given by an offset and a length fits a big array.

      This method may be used whenever a big array range check is needed.

      a - a big array.
      offset - a start index.
      length - a length (the number of elements in the range).
      IllegalArgumentException - if length is negative.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset is negative or offset+length is greater than the big array length.
    • ensureSameLength

      public static void ensureSameLength(float[][] a, float[][] b)
      Ensures that two big arrays are of the same length.
      a - a big array.
      b - another big array.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the two argument arrays are not of the same length.
    • shuffle

      public static float[][] shuffle(float[][] a, long from, long to, Random random)
      Shuffles the specified big array fragment using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
      a - the big array to be shuffled.
      from - the index of the first element (inclusive) to be shuffled.
      to - the index of the last element (exclusive) to be shuffled.
      random - a pseudorandom number generator.
    • shuffle

      public static float[][] shuffle(float[][] a, Random random)
      Shuffles the specified big array using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
      a - the big array to be shuffled.
      random - a pseudorandom number generator.
    • get

      public static <K> K get(K[][] array, long index)
      Returns the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      the element of the big array at the specified position.
    • set

      public static <K> void set(K[][] array, long index, K value)
      Sets the element of the given big array of specified index.
      array - a big array.
      index - a position in the big array.
      value - the new value for the array element at the specified position.
    • swap

      public static <K> void swap(K[][] array, long first, long second)
      Swaps the element of the given big array of specified indices.
      array - a big array.
      first - a position in the big array.
      second - a position in the big array.
    • reverse

      public static <K> K[][] reverse(K[][] a)
      Reverses the order of the elements in the specified big array.
      a - the big array to be reversed.
    • length

      public static <K> long length(K[][] array)
      Returns the length of the given big array.
      array - a big array.
      the length of the given big array.
    • copy

      public static <K> void copy(K[][] srcArray, long srcPos, K[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
      Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array. Handles correctly overlapping regions of the same big array.
      srcArray - the source big array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source big array.
      destArray - the destination big array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • copyFromBig

      public static <K> void copyFromBig(K[][] srcArray, long srcPos, K[] destArray, int destPos, int length)
      Copies a big array from the specified source big array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
      srcArray - the source big array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source big array.
      destArray - the destination array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • copyToBig

      public static <K> void copyToBig(K[] srcArray, int srcPos, K[][] destArray, long destPos, long length)
      Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination big array.
      srcArray - the source array.
      srcPos - the starting position in the source array.
      destArray - the destination big array.
      destPos - the starting position in the destination data.
      length - the number of elements to be copied.
    • wrap

      public static <K> K[][] wrap(K[] array)
      Turns a standard array into a big array.

      Note that the returned big array might contain as a segment the original array.

      array - an array.
      a new big array with the same length and content of array.
    • ensureCapacity

      public static <K> K[][] ensureCapacity(K[][] array, long length)
      Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries.

      If you cannot foresee whether this big array will need again to be enlarged, you should probably use grow() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      array, if it contains length entries or more; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • forceCapacity

      public static <K> K[][] forceCapacity(K[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Forces a big array to contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.

      This method returns a new big array of the given length whose element are of the same class as of those of array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      a big array with length entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • ensureCapacity

      public static <K> K[][] ensureCapacity(K[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Ensures that a big array can contain the given number of entries, preserving just a part of the big array.

      This method returns a new big array of the given length whose element are of the same class as of those of array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      array, if it can contain length entries or more; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • grow

      public static <K> K[][] grow(K[][] array, long length)
      Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length.

      If you want complete control on the big array growth, you should probably use ensureCapacity() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      array, if it can contain length entries; otherwise, a big array with max(length,length(array)/φ) entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • grow

      public static <K> K[][] grow(K[][] array, long length, long preserve)
      Grows the given big array to the maximum between the given length and the current length increased by 50%, provided that the given length is larger than the current length, preserving just a part of the big array.

      If you want complete control on the big array growth, you should probably use ensureCapacity() instead.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new minimum length for this big array.
      preserve - the number of elements of the big array that must be preserved in case a new allocation is necessary.
      array, if it can contain length entries; otherwise, a big array with max(length,length(array)/φ) entries whose first preserve entries are the same as those of array.
    • trim

      public static <K> K[][] trim(K[][] array, long length)
      Trims the given big array to the given length.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new maximum length for the big array.
      array, if it contains length entries or less; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose entries are the same as the first length entries of array.
    • setLength

      public static <K> K[][] setLength(K[][] array, long length)
      Sets the length of the given big array.

      Warning: the returned array might use part of the segments of the original array, which must be considered read-only after calling this method.

      array - a big array.
      length - the new length for the big array.
      array, if it contains exactly length entries; otherwise, if it contains more than length entries, a big array with length entries whose entries are the same as the first length entries of array; otherwise, a big array with length entries whose first length(array) entries are the same as those of array.
    • copy

      public static <K> K[][] copy(K[][] array, long offset, long length)
      Returns a copy of a portion of a big array.
      array - a big array.
      offset - the first element to copy.
      length - the number of elements to copy.
      a new big array containing length elements of array starting at offset.
    • copy

      public static <K> K[][] copy(K[][] array)
      Returns a copy of a big array.
      array - a big array.
      a copy of array.
    • fill

      public static <K> void fill(K[][] array, K value)
      Fills the given big array with the given value.

      This method uses a backward loop. It is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      array - a big array.
      value - the new value for all elements of the big array.
    • fill

      public static <K> void fill(K[][] array, long from, long to, K value)
      Fills a portion of the given big array with the given value.

      If possible (i.e., from is 0) this method uses a backward loop. In this case, it is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      array - a big array.
      from - the starting index of the portion to fill.
      to - the end index of the portion to fill.
      value - the new value for all elements of the specified portion of the big array.
    • equals

      public static <K> boolean equals(K[][] a1, K[][] a2)
      Returns true if the two big arrays are elementwise equal.

      This method uses a backward loop. It is significantly faster than the corresponding method in Arrays.

      a1 - a big array.
      a2 - another big array.
      true if the two big arrays are of the same length, and their elements are equal.
    • toString

      public static <K> String toString(K[][] a)
    • ensureFromTo

      public static <K> void ensureFromTo(K[][] a, long from, long to)
      Ensures that a range given by its first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) elements fits a big array.

      This method may be used whenever a big array range check is needed.

      a - a big array.
      from - a start index (inclusive).
      to - an end index (inclusive).
      IllegalArgumentException - if from is greater than to.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if from or to are greater than the big array length or negative.
    • ensureOffsetLength

      public static <K> void ensureOffsetLength(K[][] a, long offset, long length)
      Ensures that a range given by an offset and a length fits a big array.

      This method may be used whenever a big array range check is needed.

      a - a big array.
      offset - a start index.
      length - a length (the number of elements in the range).
      IllegalArgumentException - if length is negative.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset is negative or offset+length is greater than the big array length.
    • ensureSameLength

      public static <K> void ensureSameLength(K[][] a, K[][] b)
      Ensures that two big arrays are of the same length.
      a - a big array.
      b - another big array.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the two argument arrays are not of the same length.
    • shuffle

      public static <K> K[][] shuffle(K[][] a, long from, long to, Random random)
      Shuffles the specified big array fragment using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
      a - the big array to be shuffled.
      from - the index of the first element (inclusive) to be shuffled.
      to - the index of the last element (exclusive) to be shuffled.
      random - a pseudorandom number generator.
    • shuffle

      public static <K> K[][] shuffle(K[][] a, Random random)
      Shuffles the specified big array using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
      a - the big array to be shuffled.
      random - a pseudorandom number generator.
    • main

      public static void main(String[] arg)