Class FloatSortedSets


public final class FloatSortedSets extends Object
A class providing static methods and objects that do useful things with type-specific sorted sets.
See Also:
  • Field Details Link icon

    • EMPTY_SET Link icon

      public static final FloatSortedSets.EmptySet EMPTY_SET
      An empty sorted set (immutable). It is serializable and cloneable.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • singleton Link icon

      public static FloatSortedSet singleton(float element)
      Returns a type-specific immutable sorted set containing only the specified element. The returned sorted set is serializable and cloneable.
      element - the only element of the returned sorted set.
      a type-specific immutable sorted set containing just element.
    • singleton Link icon

      public static FloatSortedSet singleton(float element, FloatComparator comparator)
      Returns a type-specific immutable sorted set containing only the specified element, and using a specified comparator. The returned sorted set is serializable and cloneable.
      element - the only element of the returned sorted set.
      comparator - the comparator to use in the returned sorted set.
      a type-specific immutable sorted set containing just element.
    • singleton Link icon

      public static FloatSortedSet singleton(Object element)
      Returns a type-specific immutable sorted set containing only the specified element. The returned sorted set is serializable and cloneable.
      element - the only element of the returned sorted set.
      a type-specific immutable sorted set containing just element.
    • singleton Link icon

      public static FloatSortedSet singleton(Object element, FloatComparator comparator)
      Returns a type-specific immutable sorted set containing only the specified element, and using a specified comparator. The returned sorted set is serializable and cloneable.
      element - the only element of the returned sorted set.
      comparator - the comparator to use in the returned sorted set.
      a type-specific immutable sorted set containing just element.
    • synchronize Link icon

      public static FloatSortedSet synchronize(FloatSortedSet s)
      Returns a synchronized type-specific sorted set backed by the given type-specific sorted set.
      s - the sorted set to be wrapped in a synchronized sorted set.
      a synchronized view of the specified sorted set.
      See Also:
    • synchronize Link icon

      public static FloatSortedSet synchronize(FloatSortedSet s, Object sync)
      Returns a synchronized type-specific sorted set backed by the given type-specific sorted set, using an assigned object to synchronize.
      s - the sorted set to be wrapped in a synchronized sorted set.
      sync - an object that will be used to synchronize the access to the sorted set.
      a synchronized view of the specified sorted set.
      See Also:
    • unmodifiable Link icon

      public static FloatSortedSet unmodifiable(FloatSortedSet s)
      Returns an unmodifiable type-specific sorted set backed by the given type-specific sorted set.
      s - the sorted set to be wrapped in an unmodifiable sorted set.
      an unmodifiable view of the specified sorted set.
      See Also: