Interface Int2FloatSortedMap.FastSortedEntrySet

All Superinterfaces:
Collection<Int2FloatMap.Entry>, Int2FloatMap.FastEntrySet, Iterable<Int2FloatMap.Entry>, ObjectBidirectionalIterable<Int2FloatMap.Entry>, ObjectCollection<Int2FloatMap.Entry>, ObjectIterable<Int2FloatMap.Entry>, ObjectSet<Int2FloatMap.Entry>, ObjectSortedSet<Int2FloatMap.Entry>, Set<Int2FloatMap.Entry>, SortedSet<Int2FloatMap.Entry>
Enclosing interface:

public static interface Int2FloatSortedMap.FastSortedEntrySet extends ObjectSortedSet<Int2FloatMap.Entry>, Int2FloatMap.FastEntrySet
A sorted entry set providing fast iteration.

In some cases (e.g., hash-based classes) iteration over an entry set requires the creation of a large number of entry objects. Some fastutil maps might return entry set objects of type FastSortedEntrySet: in this case, fastIterator() will return an iterator that is guaranteed not to create a large number of objects, possibly by returning always the same entry (of course, mutated).

  • Method Details

    • fastIterator

      Returns a fast iterator over this entry set; the iterator might return always the same entry instance, suitably mutated.
      Specified by:
      fastIterator in interface Int2FloatMap.FastEntrySet
      a fast iterator over this entry set; the iterator might return always the same Map.Entry instance, suitably mutated.
    • fastIterator

      Returns a fast iterator over this entry set, starting from a given element of the domain (optional operation); the iterator might return always the same entry instance, suitably mutated.
      from - an element to start from.
      a fast iterator over this sorted entry set starting at from; the iterator might return always the same entry object, suitably mutated.